Miss Mina
BBW. What Chubby Lover's
schlong doesn't perk right up at the sound of that name? We've loved her for so long, yet somehow she just keeps getting a little bigger, a little sluttier, and a lot hotter as time passes. Mina's the kind of girl you just want to get down and party with. She's funny, cocky, and seriously irreverent; all the qualities I find essential in a real woman...along with being a major
ette, that is. One can only imagine what kinds of escapades might follow in her wake on an
inebriated evening in Fun City. She is truly one of the all-time sexiest fat women because she's so obviously comfortable with her body and with herself. I think she's also one of the great
BBW role models because of her brazen self-confidence, her unabashed love of showing off, and the way she lords it over all the skinny bitches out there. No fucking little wimpy-ass stick figure is gonna give Mina any competition, and she knows it. All she has to do is flash that big 60" ass and those incredibly powerful plump thighs and it's all over. Men fall to their knees in humility and awe, and the fragile little twig-o girls go running for cover...if they know what's good for them. So check out this compilation of mostly newer pix, and you too can fall to your knees and worship the Big, Bad, and Beautiful Miss Mina. A
BBW for the ages. Dammit! Mina's gotten the wood all sticky again. See ya, lads.