This remarkable woman has it all; thick, shapely, powerful legs, a perfectly over-sized hyper-kissable ass, intensely edible plump breasts, and the sexiest, most gorgeous face: The face that launched a thousand ships. (And God only knows how many ballistic orgasms) Add to her natural attributes the fact that she opted for everybody’s favorite fetish attire, a garter belt and stockings, and Bianca really starts turning up the heat here. Since I was about 5 years old I’ve been trying to figure out what it is about garter belts and stockings that ignites such serious conflagrations in the loins of men, but it remains yet a mystery. I’m sure it has to do with the tease factor to some degree. Lingerie, after all, represents the ‘half-way’ point between being fully clothed and being ‘ready for sex.’ It’s not really being clothed, but it’s not being naked either. Anticipation, of course, drives the male psyche up the walls with desire, so it makes sense on that level.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t account for the overall power of the garter-stocking phenomenon, far from it. For if the tease was the whole answer, we should find ourselves similarly stimulated by any forms of a lady’s delicate under-things. But we don’t. There is something in the divine stretching of the garter straps against the smoldering leg flesh, the tension in the firm pull of the clasps at the attach-points of the stockings, the look of the legs themselves through the stockings, and best of all, that bulge—whether slight or pronounced—of the upper thigh as it spills out of the grasp of the stocking, refusing to be fettered. Mmmmm. Such lovely thoughts. Bottom line, though…we have no clue why these things are so stimulating. They just are. Someday, when philosophy and psychology have uncovered the deep dark secrets of the archetypes residing within the Collective Unconscious, maybe the tools of a Big Woman’s sexual power will be better understood. Or not. Until then, indulge yourselves in Bianca’s prodigious charms and I’ll catch up with you later.

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