...and just what is that devilishly delightful, punk'd-out plumper
Miss Fortune up to today? Some sort of experimentation, perhaps? She's wearing that sexy, mischievous look that tells you she's definitely up to something. Something sinful, no doubt. I've had a mad crush on Miss Fortune since she first appeared on the scene, and she just seems to keep getting chubbier and hotter as time goes by. She's made quite a name for herself on the BBW scene, and it's easy to see why. She's got a one-in-a-million, beautifully sexy face, a smokin' body, and kick-ass tattoos. I especially luv her delicious, fat legs. Ahh, to have one's head crushed between such sublime pillars of fleshly delight! In the immortal words of The Bard, these are such things as dreams are made of.

Well, it looks as if our darling de jour is indeed up to something naughty. OMG, look at the size of that thing! Miss Fortune, you're not really going to-- My dear, that's not a dildo! It's a goddamn fire hydrant! You mustn't-- You shouldn't-- Oh my, she did. That could certainly leave a mark. Well, just another kodak moment over at Big and Brutal.Com. Apparently, my wicked little dumpling, Miss Fortune, survived her ordeal. Which is awesome, because she's going to get lots more attention in the weeks and months to cum here at Galaxy BBW. For now, adios to all, and Happy Fantasies!
Click Here to see how Miss Fortune's Big & Brutal challenge turns out!
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